• The Nutriorg Aloe vera Juice works wonders for aiding the decline in the glucose levels in the blood.
• It helps in metabolism and detoxification.
• Aloe vera checks constipation as it works as a laxative
• Aloe vera is power packed with nutrients as it is a powerhouse of Vitamins C, E and Beta Carotenes and traces of B12. Minerals like sodium, potassium, magnesium, copper and zincet care also present which are required for the body for building a healthy foundation
• It helps elevate constipation, obesity, back pain.
How to use
• Mix 20-30 ml of Nutriorg Aloevera Juice in 200 ml of lukewarm water in a non-metallic pot and consume empty stomach twice a day preferably morning and evening.
Organic Alovera